Σε αυτή την σελίδα θα προσπαθήσω να ταξινομήσω τα αντικείμενα του Alchemy Profession ανά Expansion του World of Warcraft και στο τέλος να δώσω και το import string για κάθε alchemy group για το TSM.
Δείτε πληροφορίες για άλλα professions εδώ.
Vanilla (Classic) WoW – Alchemy Items
- [Elixir of Giant Growth]
- [Elixir of Minor Agility]
- [Elixir of Wisdom]
- [Elixir of Demonslaying]
- [Elixir of Ogre’s Strength]
- [Greater Arcane Elixir]
- [Elixir of the Mongoose]
- [Elixir of Greater Intellect]
- [Elixir of Greater Agility]
- [Elixir of Agility]
- [Mageblood Elixir]
- [Elixir of Lion’s Strength]
- [Elixir of Shadow Power]
- [Elixir of Brute Force]
- [Elixir of Greater Firepower]
- [Elixir of Firepower]
- [Elixir of Giants]
- [Elixir of Frost Power]
- [Elixir of the Sages]
- [Elixir of Lesser Agility]
- [Elixir of Water Breathing]
- [Elixir of Detect Lesser Invisibility]
- [Elixir of Detect Demon]
- [Elixir of Greater Water Breathing]
- [Elixir of Dream Vision]
- [Elixir of Detect Undead]
- [Elixir of Water Walking]
- [Elixir of Greater Defense]
- [Catseye Elixir]
- [Elixir of Minor Fortitude]
- [Elixir of Fortitude]
- [Elixir of Defense]
- [Gift of Arthas]
- [Mighty Troll’s Blood Elixir]
- [Weak Troll’s Blood Elixir]
- [Elixir of Minor Defense]
- [Elixir of Superior Defense]
- [Major Troll’s Blood Elixir]
- [Strong Troll’s Blood Elixir]
- [Arcane Elixir]
- [Essence of Undeath]
- [Essence of Fire]
- [Essence of Water]
- [Essence of Earth]
- [Living Essence]
- [Elemental Fire]
- [Essence of Air]
- [Flask of Distilled Wisdom]
- [Flask of Supreme Power]
- [Flask of the Titans]
- [Invisibility Potion]
- [Swiftness Potion]
- [Mana Potion]
- [Healing Potion]
- [Dreamless Sleep Potion]
- [Living Action Potion]
- [Major Healing Potion]
- [Free Action Potion]
- [Purification Potion]
- [Lesser Healing Potion]
- [Lesser Invisibility Potion]
- [Swim Speed Potion]
- [Restorative Potion]
- [Minor Healing Potion]
- [Superior Healing Potion]
- [Greater Healing Potion]
- [Superior Mana Potion]
- [Minor Mana Potion]
- [Lesser Mana Potion]
- [Major Mana Potion]
- [Rage Potion]
- [Mighty Rage Potion]
- [Greater Nature Protection Potion]
- [Potion of Curing]
- [Shadow Protection Potion]
- [Greater Shadow Protection Potion]
- [Wildvine Potion]
- [Greater Mana Potion]
- [Limited Invulnerability Potion]
- [Frost Protection Potion]
- [Potion of Petrification]
- [Holy Protection Potion]
- [Major Rejuvenation Potion]
- [Greater Stoneshield Potion]
- [Greater Fire Protection Potion]
- [Lesser Stoneshield Potion]
- [Great Rage Potion]
- [Nature Protection Potion]
- [Minor Rejuvenation Potion]
- [Discolored Healing Potion]
- [Fire Protection Potion]
- [Greater Frost Protection Potion]
- [Greater Dreamless Sleep Potion]
- [Greater Arcane Protection Potion]
- [Gurubashi Mojo Madness]
- [Frost Oil]
- [Shadow Oil]
- [Alchemist Stone]
- [Philosopher’s Stone]
The Burning Crusade (TBC) WoW – Alchemy Items
- [Elixir of Major Agility]
- [Adept’s Elixir]
- [Elixir of Healing Power]
- [Fel Strength Elixir]
- [Elixir of Mastery]
- [Elixir of Draenic Wisdom]
- [Elixir of Major Mageblood]
- [Elixir of Major Shadow Power]
- [Elixir of Major Strength]
- [Elixir of Major Firepower]
- [Onslaught Elixir]
- [Elixir of Major Frost Power]
- [Elixir of Camouflage]
- [Elixir of the Searching Eye]
- [Elixir of Major Fortitude]
- [Elixir of Major Defense]
- [Elixir of Ironskin]
- [Earthen Elixir]
- [Elixir of Empowerment]
- [Primal Might]
- [Primal Fire]
- [Primal Mana]
- [Primal Shadow]
- [Primal Air]
- [Primal Water]
- [Primal Life]
- [Primal Earth]
- [Flask of Relentless Assault]
- [Flask of Fortification]
- [Flask of Pure Death]
- [Flask of Blinding Light]
- [Flask of Mighty Versatility]
- [Super Mana Potion]
- [Mad Alchemist’s Potion]
- [Haste Potion]
- [Super Healing Potion]
- [Destruction Potion]
- [Volatile Healing Potion]
- [Ironshield Potion]
- [Unstable Mana Potion]
- [Fel Mana Potion]
- [Major Dreamless Sleep Potion]
- [Major Shadow Protection Potion]
- [Super Rejuvenation Potion]
- [Insane Strength Potion]
- [Major Arcane Protection Potion]
- [Major Fire Protection Potion]
- [Major Frost Protection Potion]
- [Shrouding Potion]
- [Heroic Potion]
- [Major Nature Protection Potion]
- [Major Holy Protection Potion]
- [Sneaking Potion]
- [Fel Regeneration Potion]
- [Earthstorm Diamond]
- [Skyfire Diamond]
- [Cauldron of Major Arcane Protection]
- [Cauldron of Major Shadow Protection]
- [Cauldron of Major Fire Protection]
- [Cauldron of Major Nature Protection]
- [Cauldron of Major Frost Protection]
- [Mercurial Stone]
- [Redeemer’s Alchemist Stone]
- [Sorcerer’s Alchemist Stone]
- [Assassin’s Alchemist Stone]
- [Guardian’s Alchemist Stone]
Wrath of the Lick King (WotLK) WoW – Alchemy Items
- [Spellpower Elixir]
- [Elixir of Mighty Mageblood]
- [Elixir of Mighty Agility]
- [Elixir of Armor Piercing]
- [Guru’s Elixir]
- [Wrath Elixir]
- [Elixir of Lightning Speed]
- [Elixir of Mighty Strength]
- [Elixir of Minor Accuracy]
- [Elixir of Expertise]
- [Elixir of Deadly Strikes]
- [Elixir of Accuracy]
- [Elixir of Versatility]
- [Elixir of Mighty Thoughts]
- [Elixir of Protection]
- [Elixir of Mighty Defense]
- [Elixir of Mighty Fortitude]
- [Eternal Fire]
- [Eternal Shadow]
- [Eternal Life]
- [Eternal Water]
- [Eternal Earth]
- [Eternal Air]
- [Flask of Endless Rage]
- [Flask of the Frost Wyrm]
- [Flask of Stoneblood]
- [Flask of Pure Mojo]
- [Lesser Flask of Toughness]
- [Potion of Speed]
- [Potion of Wild Magic]
- [Runic Mana Potion]
- [Runic Healing Potion]
- [Indestructible Potion]
- [Endless Healing Potion]
- [Crazy Alchemist’s Potion]
- [Powerful Rejuvenation Potion]
- [Resurgent Healing Potion]
- [Potion of Nightmares]
- [Endless Mana Potion]
- [Mighty Frost Protection Potion]
- [Icy Mana Potion]
- [Mighty Shadow Protection Potion]
- [Mighty Arcane Protection Potion]
- [Mighty Nature Protection Potion]
- [Mighty Fire Protection Potion]
- [Earthsiege Diamond]
- [King’s Amber]
- [Skyflare Diamond]
- [Cardinal Ruby]
- [Ametrine]
- [Dreadstone]
- [Majestic Zircon]
- [Eye of Zul]
- [Titanium Bar]
- [Pygmy Oil]
- [Ethereal Oil]
- [Mercurial Alchemist Stone]
- [Mighty Alchemist Stone]
- [Indestructible Alchemist Stone]
Cataclysm WoW – Alchemy Items
- [Elixir of Impossible Accuracy]
- [Ghost Elixir]
- [Elixir of the Master]
- [Elixir of the Naga]
- [Elixir of Mighty Speed]
- [Elixir of the Cobra]
- [Elixir of Deep Earth]
- [Prismatic Elixir]
- [Random Volatile Element]
- [Flask of the Winds]
- [Flask of Titanic Strength]
- [Flask of the Draconic Mind]
- [Flask of Steelskin]
- [Flask of Flowing Water]
- [Shadowspirit Diamond]
- [Inferno Ruby]
- [Dream Emerald]
- [Ocean Sapphire]
- [Ember Topaz]
- [Amberjewel]
- [Demonseye]
- [Truegold]
- [Pyrium Bar]
- [Deepstone Oil]
- [Cauldron of Battle]
- [Deathblood Venom]
- [Big Cauldron of Battle]
- [Vial of the Sands]
- [Potion of Treasure Finding]
- [Potion of Illusion]
- [Potion of Deepholm]
- [Potion of the Tol’vir]
- [Volcanic Potion]
- [Golemblood Potion]
- [Mythical Mana Potion]
- [Mythical Healing Potion]
- [Earthen Potion]
- [Mysterious Potion]
- [Mighty Rejuvenation Potion]
- [Potion of Concentration]
- [Draught of War]
- [Volatile Alchemist Stone]
- [Lifebound Alchemist Stone]
- [Quicksilver Alchemist Stone]
- [Vibrant Alchemist Stone]
Mists of Pandaria (MoP) WoW – Alchemy Items
- [Elixir of Perfection]
- [Elixir of Mirrors]
- [Elixir of the Rapids]
- [Monk’s Elixir]
- [Elixir of Weaponry]
- [Mantid Elixir]
- [Mad Hozen Elixir]
- [Elixir of Peace]
- [Alchemist’s Flask]
- [Flask of the Warm Sun]
- [Flask of Spring Blossoms]
- [Flask of Winter’s Bite]
- [Flask of Falling Leaves]
- [Flask of the Earth]
- [Wild Jade]
- [River’s Heart]
- [Primordial Ruby]
- [Sun’s Radiance]
- [Primal Diamond]
- [Vermilion Onyx]
- [Imperial Amethyst]
- [Living Steel]
- [Trillium Bar]
- [Desecrated Oil]
- [Master Mana Potion]
- [Potion of Luck]
- [Master Healing Potion]
- [Darkwater Potion]
- [Alchemist’s Rejuvenation]
- [Potion of Mogu Power]
- [Virmen’s Bite]
- [Potion of the Mountains]
- [Potion of Focus]
- [Potion of the Jade Serpent]
- [Zen Alchemist Stone]
Warlords of Draenor (WoD) WoW – Alchemy Items
- [Sorcerous Earth]
- [Sorcerous Air]
- [Sorcerous Fire]
- [Sorcerous Water]
- [Draenic Water Walking Elixir]
- [Draenic Water Breathing Elixir]
- [Draenic Intellect Flask]
- [Greater Draenic Intellect Flask]
- [Draenic Agility Flask]
- [Draenic Stamina Flask]
- [Greater Draenic Strength Flask]
- [Greater Draenic Agility Flask]
- [Draenic Strength Flask]
- [Greater Draenic Stamina Flask]
- [Savage Blood]
- [Alchemical Catalyst]
- [Crescent Oil]
- [Secret of Draenor Alchemy]
- [Transmorphic Tincture]
- [Blackwater Anti-Venom]
- [Fire Ammonite Oil]
- [Draenic Living Action Potion]
- [Draenic Invisibility Potion]
- [Healing Tonic]
- [Draenic Swiftness Potion]
- [Draenic Versatility Potion]
- [Draenic Mana Potion]
- [Draenic Agility Potion]
- [Draenic Intellect Potion]
- [Draenic Strength Potion]
- [Pure Rage Potion]
- [Draenic Rejuvenation Potion]
- [Draenic Channeled Mana Potion]
- [Draenic Philosopher’s Stone]
- [Stone of Wind]
- [Stone of the Waters]
- [Stone of Fire]
- [Stone of the Earth]
Legion WoW – Alchemy Items
- [Blood of Sargeras]
- [Primal Sargerite]
- [Wild Transmutation]
- [Tears of the Naaru]
- [Lightblood Elixir]
- [Flask of the Seventh Demon]
- [Flask of the Countless Armies]
- [Flask of Ten Thousand Scars]
- [Flask of the Whispered Pact]
- [Silvery Salve]
- [Pile of Pants]
- [Pulsating Sac]
- [Pile of Gems]
- [Pile of Herbs]
- [Pile of Ore]
- [Pile of Silk]
- [Pile of Skins]
- [Sylvan Elixir]
- [Draught of Raw Magic]
- [Skystep Potion]
- [Skaggldrynk]
- [Avalanche Elixir]
- [Spirit Cauldron]
- [Unbending Potion]
- [Potion of Prolonged Power]
- [Potion of the Old War]
- [Ancient Mana Potion]
- [Ancient Healing Potion]
- [Astral Healing Potion]
- [Potion of Deadly Grace]
- [Leytorrent Potion]
- [Ancient Rejuvenation Potion]
- [Infernal Alchemist Stone]
- [Astral Alchemist Stone]
Battle for Azeroth (BfA) WoW – Alchemy Items
- [Expulsom]
- [Sanguicell]
- [Hydrocore]
- [Greater Flask of Endless Fathoms]
- [Greater Flask of the Currents]
- [Flask of the Undertow]
- [Flask of Endless Fathoms]
- [Greater Flask of the Undertow]
- [Flask of the Currents]
- [Flask of the Vast Horizon]
- [Greater Flask of the Vast Horizon]
- [Quivering Sac]
- [Silas’ Sphere of Transmutation]
- [Pile of Ore]
- [Bag of Jewels]
- [Pile of Cloth]
- [Sack of Herbs]
- [Stack of Skins]
- [Mystical Cauldron]
- [Potion of Herb Tracking]
- [Demitri’s Draught of Deception]
- [Potion of the Unveiling Eye]
- [Vial of Obfuscation]
- [Potion of Shifting States]
- [Potion of Durability]
- [Potion of Empowered Proximity]
- [Potion of Unbridled Fury]
- [Lightfoot Potion]
- [Abyssal Healing Potion]
- [Sea Mist Potion]
- [Superior Battle Potion of Intellect]
- [Potion of Concealment]
- [Battle Potion of Agility]
- [Battle Potion of Intellect]
- [Potion of Wild Mending]
- [Coastal Healing Potion]
- [Battle Potion of Strength]
- [Coastal Mana Potion]
- [Potion of Replenishment]
- [Battle Potion of Stamina]
- [Coastal Rejuvenation Potion]
- [Superior Battle Potion of Stamina]
- [Superior Battle Potion of Strength]
- [Steelskin Potion]
- [Potion of Focused Resolve]
- [Potion of Bursting Blood]
- [Superior Battle Potion of Agility]
- [Potion of Rising Death]
- [Superior Steelskin Potion]
- [Endless Tincture of Renewed Combat]
- [Siren’s Alchemist Stone]
- [Endless Tincture of Fractional Power]
- [Surging Alchemist Stone]
Shadowlands WoW – Alchemy Items
- [Red Noggin Candle]
- [Spectral Flask of Power]
- [Spectral Flask of Stamina]
- [Ground Death Blossom]
- [Ground Nightshade]
- [Ground Marrowroot]
- [Ground Vigil’s Torch]
- [Ground Rising Glory]
- [Ground Widowbloom]
- [Shadowghast Ingot]
- [Shadestone]
- [Spiritual Anti-Venom]
- [Shadowcore Oil]
- [Embalmer’s Oil]
- [Potion of Phantom Fire]
- [Spiritual Healing Potion]
- [Potion of Spectral Intellect]
- [Potion of the Hidden Spirit]
- [Potion of Spectral Agility]
- [Potion of Spectral Strength]
- [Spiritual Mana Potion]
- [Potion of Empowered Exorcisms]
- [Potion of the Psychopomp’s Speed]
- [Potion of Deathly Fixation]
- [Potion of Spectral Stamina]
- [Potion of Divine Awakening]
- [Potion of Sacrificial Anima]
- [Potion of Soul Purity]
- [Potion of Specter Swiftness]
- [Potion of Spiritual Clarity]
- [Potion of Unhindered Passing]
- [Potion of Hardened Shadows]
- [Spiritual Rejuvenation Potion]
- [Potion of Shaded Sight]